
Rental – Room Fogger Kit


Is wiping tabletops and door handles good enough to keep your customers and staff safe, and your business open?

Quickly and easily clean your business to clinical-grade with our Fogger Coronavirus Sanitisation Fogger Kit.

High-efficiency spraying to cover areas quickly and easily
Unique hose design with adjustable angle
Instant switch on/off
Rotating sprayer prevents blocking
Air pressure auto-locking spray head to prevent leakage

In this kit, we provide you with the tools you need to help in the fight against coronavirus, viruses, bacteria, allergens, malodors, legionella, mould and mildew.

This kit includes the following tools:

1 Handheld Fogger (cabled)
2 Litres of Eco Pure Room
1 Operating Manual, includes training materials and safety data sheets
Delivery & Collection

Eco Pure Room is NEA approved, USA EPA-approved, NSF-certified, ecologically safe, and no-rinse required product that is applied using a fogger. Join the top-tier companies in the initiative to provide a safe and sanitized environment for your guests, customers, and co-workers.

Easily sanitise areas that are hard to reach and time-consuming to wipe.

Don’t be a coronavirus statistic, order your Cordless Mini-Fogger Coronavirus Virus Killing First Aid Kit today

SKU: EPR-FK-1 Categories: ,

The WHO recognised COVID-19 as an airborne virus. When an infected person speaks, aerosol particles of the contagious virus remain airborne for up to 8 minutes, and once fallen onto a hard surface such as plastic, glass or metal, and could remain active for a further 9 hours.

Is wiping tabletops and door handles enough to keep your customers and staff safe, and your business open?

Quickly and easily sanitise your premises to clinical-grade with our Coronavirus Virus Killing Fogger Kit.

Sanitise large areas surfaces including difficult to reach corners using a safe, odourless, 100% biodegradable, non-corrosive, eco-friendly, water-based hospital-grade sanitiser that kills coronaviruses, viruses and germs on contact (incl HiN1, Hepatitis A B C, Listeria, Salmonella, HIV, Ebola, Legionella, MRSA). PFE not required.

The fogger uses our proven micro-mist diffusion systems and kills bacteria and viruses within seconds of contact; including Coronavirus, Influenza H1N1, SARS, Staph, COVID-19, E. coli, Hepatitis A B C, HIV type 1, Legionella, Salmonella, Ebola, Listeria, including 99.999% of those causing MRSA

Create and maintain a hospital-grade, safe and sanitised environment.

Eco Pure Room – Airborne Sanitiser is suitable for use in any interior or exterior surface where the transmission of airborne germs and viruses is considered a risk. This includes hotel receptions, guest rooms, gymnasiums, yoga studios, lounges, bars, hotel lobbies, restaurants, waiting rooms, hospitals, offices, retail spaces, nursing facilities, schools, cruise ships and any indoor space with a group of people in close proximity.

Airborne microorganisms are spread by speaking, coughing, sneezing in the air, will settle on surfaces, and remain a threat for up to 9 hours.


• NEA approved main ingredients to treat COVID-19
• EPA-registered
• NSF-certified food surface safe
• Hospital grade disinfectant
• Kills 30+ bacteria and coronaviruses
• Kills and prevents mould and mildew
• Eliminates odours at their source
• Proven allergen eliminator
• Hypoallergenic – Allergen reducing
• Non-Corrosive
• No rinse required
• PFE not required
• Non-irritating to the skin
• Residual kill
• Odour free

How it works

Eco Pure Room – Airborne Sanitiser works by generating an odour free dry vapour comprised of ultra-small particles of hospital grade sanitiser, approximately 1 micrometre (1um), killing microbes by chemically altering certain amino acids that contain sulphur.

The amino acids are important building blocks in the proteins that help to form cell walls. When these proteins are destroyed, the cell wall ruptures and the organism dies. In the chemical reaction, Eco Pure Room takes on an electron from the amino acid and reverts back to a chlorite ion.

The amino acid gives up an electron, which causes oxidation, and the cell to die.

Unlike other products containing chloride dioxide, the formula has been stabilised to be effective when stores for up to two years.

Using NEA approved active ingredients for the elimination of COVID-19, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) consider the active ingredients of Eco Pure Room Airborne Sanitiser to be safe and effective, posing no risks or health concerns with respect to human exposure. The formulation is NSF rated (D2) certified – no rinse required food surface sanitiser.

Using leading-edge liquid-diffusion technology, the hand-held fogger quickly and easily eradicates germs and viruses on surfaces. The hand-held fogger is lightweight and easy to use. The device is provided with one litre of Eco Pure Room.

Purchase refills in 1-litre, 5-litre or 6-month delivery plans.

Is wiping tabletops and door handles enough to keep your customers and staff safe, and your business open?

Quickly and easily clean your business to clinical-grade with our Coronavirus Virus Killing Fogger Kit.

Eco Pure Room Kill List

Disinfection of Viruses 5 min
Swine Infuenza (H1N1) Virus**
Respiratory Syncytial Virus**
Influenza B Virus**
Hepatitis A Virus**
Hepatitis B Virus**
Hepatitis C Virus**
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV Type 1)**
Hantavirus (Prospect Hill Virus) University of Ontario**
Canine Distemper Virus, Strain Snyder Hill, ATCC VR**

Disinfection of Viruses 10 min
Felid Herpesvirus 1, Strain C-27, ATCC VR-636**
Feline coronavirus, Strain WSU 79-1683, ATCC VR-989**
Canine coronavirus, Strain 1-71, ATCC VR-809**
Carpet Sanitizer 60 mins
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538
Enterbacter aerogenes ATCC 13048

Non-Enveloped Virus 5-10mins
Norovirus Feline Calicivirus**
Murine Norovirus (MNV-1)**
Adenovirus 1, Strain Adenoid 71, ATCC VR-1**
Canine Parvovirus, Strain Cornell-780916, ATCC VR-2016**
Canine adenovirus 1, Strain Utrecht, ATCC VR-293**

Bacteria & Germs 10 mins
Acinetobacter baumannii ATCC 19606
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 15442
Legionella pneumophila ATCC 33153
Salmonella enterica ATCC 10708
Klebsiella pneumoniae (NDM-1) ATCC BAA-2146
Escherichia coli ATCC 11229
Bordetella bronchiseptica ATCC 10580
Staphylococcus aureus MRSA ATCC 33592
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538
Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 15313
Mycobacterium bovis- BCG
Soft Surface Sanitzer 5 mins
Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538
Enterbacter aerogenes ATCC 13048
Fungi (MILDEWSTAT) 10 mina
Aspergillus niger ATCC 6275
Trichophyton rubrum ATCC MYA
Trichophyton mentagrophytes ATCC 9533
Stachybotrus Chartarum (black mold)
Aspergillus Fumigatus
Alternaria Alternata
Penicillum sp


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